Paua Abalone MINI Gem Tree on Seashell

pau abalone on seashell 0a

! SOLD !

Also known as “Sea Ears”, ABALONE has been used in jewelry and spiritual ceremonies for ages by native American Indians. Relating to the Water Element, it vibrates love, gentleness, compassion, and peace.

Gemstone: Paua Abalone
Quantity of Gems: 50
Trunk & Branches: created with 24ga Copper Jewelry wire
Base: A Beautiful seashell obtained in Galveston, Texas

Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 4.50″
Width: 4″
Depth: 3.25″
Weight: 2.1 oz

Metaphysical Properties of your Gem Tree
(and other interesting stuff)


  • Stimulates psychic development
  • Aids intuition
  • Promotes imagination
  • Helps calm emotions during deep healing
  • Supports growth of Self

ABALONE has been used as an aid to treat:

  • Relieves stress
  • Relieves arthritis
  • Joint disorders
  • Muscular problems
  • Digestive system

CHAKRA: 4th, Heart ~ 6th, Third Eye

An excellent placement for Abalone is in your bedroom and/on your night stand. This location allows for deep emotional healing while you sleep.

Also beneficial when used in the Southwest area of your home or space for Relationships and in the West area for children.

Additional Stone Info:

* MOHS hardness = 2.5


Dalmatian Jasper MINI Gem Tree on Obsidian

dalmation jasper MINI on obsidian 0a

!!! SOLD !!!

The MINI Gem Trees that I create are smaller versions of my larger ones, yet are packed FULL with at least 50 gemstones in each MINI tree. They are wonderful additions to any collection and fit easily in or on smaller spaces !

DALMATIAN JASPER, also known as Dalmatian Stone, appeals to the child within. It strengthens the spirit and encourages a sense of playfulness.

Gemstone: Dalmatian Jasper
Quantity of Gems: 55
Trunk & Branches: created with 24ga Silver Jewelry wire
Base: A natural Obsidian collected from Wyoming.

Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 5.25″
Width: 3.5″
Depth: 3″
Weight: 5.6 oz

Metaphysical Properties of your Gem Tree
(and other interesting stuff)


  • Calming children and animals
  • Encourages careful thinking
  • Translating ideas into actuality
  • Developing enthusiasm
  • Excellent for new business venture

DALMATIAN JASPER has been used as an aid to treat:

  • Strengthens resolve to quit smoking
  • Prevents nightmares
  • Supporting physical balance
  • Stimulates the nerves
  • Beneficial to muscles and tendons
  • Boosts immune system

CHAKRA: 1st, Root/Base

Dalmatian Jasper is an excellent grounding stone. It utilizes Earth energy bringing stability, patience, honesty, and balance. Use it in the Northeast area of your home or space for Personal Knowledge. Especially beneficial when placed in the Center area for Balance or the Southwest area for Relationships.

Additional Stone Info:

* MOHS hardness = 5-7
* Zodiac stone of: Gemini, Virgo
* Element: Earth

Red Bamboo Coral MINI Gem Tree on Barnacle shells

red coral MINI om barnacles 0a

!!! SOLD !!!

The MINI Gem Trees that I create are smaller versions of my larger ones, yet are packed FULL with at least 50 gemstones in each MINI tree. They are wonderful additions to any collection and fit easily in or on smaller spaces !

BAMBOO CORAL helps strengthen the bonds of love.

Gemstone: Bamboo Coral
Quantity of Gems: 55
Trunk & Branches: created with 24ga Bronze Artistic wire
Base: A natural group of Barnacle shells collected off the coast of California. A seashell has been added to the base.

Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 5″
Width: 5″
Depth: 3″
Weight: 4.3 oz

Metaphysical Properties of your Gem Tree
(and other interesting stuff)


  • Increased sensitivity
  • Compassion
  • Brings peace to inner self
  • Accelerates the transfer of knowledge

BAMBOO CORAL has been used as an aid to treat:

  • Circulatory system
  • Nourish blood cells
  • Stimulate tissue regeneration
  • Strengthen bone structure

CHAKRA: 4th, Heart

Suitable for placement in any room of your home where you want to create a peaceful and loving atmosphere.

Additional Stone Info:

* MOHS hardness = 3
* Calcium Carbonate ~ a stone of organic origin
* Zodiac stone of: Pisces
* Planet Association: Venus
* Element: Water

Fluorite MINI Gem Tree on Green Fluorite

Fluorite MINI on fluorite aa

!!! SOLD !!!

The MINI Gem Trees that I create are smaller versions of my larger ones, yet are packed FULL with at least 50 gemstones in each MINI tree. They are wonderful additions to any collection and fit easily in or on smaller spaces !

FLUORITE, according to folklore, is the “Home of the rainbows”. Green Fluorite is about healing at all levels, while Purple Fluorite will being you spiritual peace and wholeness.

Gemstone: Fluorite
Quantity of Gems: 55
Trunk & Branches: created with 24ga Gold Jewelry wire
Base: Fluorite with subtle green. Collected on a rockhounding trip from New Mexico

Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 4.75″
Width: 3″
Depth: 3″
Weight: 4.1 oz

Metaphysical Properties of your Gem Tree
(and other interesting stuff)


  • Increases Powers of concentration
  • Absorbs negative energy
  • Neutralizes stress
  • Helps in decision making
  • Improves mental balance

FLUORITE has been used as an aid to treat:

  • Improves coordination
  • Boosts immune system
  • stimulates cell regeneration (particularly of the skin)
  • Alleviates arthritis
  • Improves discomfort of nerve related pain

CHAKRA: 6th, Third Eye

Fluorite, specifically green fluorite, should be placed in your main Family Room or Living Room to strengthen relationships. To gain new ideas or solutions, place in your home office or at work.
Fluorite can promote an orderly mind in those areas.

Additional Stone Info:

* MOHS hardness = 4
* Belongs to the spar family
* Zodiac stone of: Pisces, Capricorn
* Element: Water, Air
* State Mineral of: Illinois

Mookaite Jasper MINI Gem Tree on Thunderegg

mookaite MINI on Thunderegg 0a

! SOLD !

The MINI Gem Trees that I create are smaller versions of my larger ones, yet are packed FULL with at least 50 gemstones in each MINI tree. They are wonderful additions to any collection and fit easily in or on smaller spaces !

MOOKAITE JASPER (aka Mook or Mooka Jasper) has a fantastic array of earth tones and can be found only ONE place on Earth! It is only mined in the Mooka Creek area of Western Australia (hence the name Mookaite).

MOOKAITE JASPER embodies a beneficial energy to slow aging. It is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress. It brings peace and a feeling of wholeness.

Gemstone: Mookaite Jasper
Quantity of Gems: 55
Trunk & Branches: created with 24ga Reddish Brown Artistic wire
Base: Natural Thunderegg collected from southern New Mexico. Stones of agate and Jasper have been added to the base for stability.

Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 4.25″
Width: 4″
Depth: 3″
Weight: 3.6 oz

Metaphysical Properties of your Gem Tree
(and other interesting stuff)


  • Aging more slowly
  • Encourages adventure
  • Physical protection
  • Decision making
  • Stimulates your instinct to dangerous nearby situations
  • Helps accept change

MOOKAITE JASPER has been used as an aid to treat:

  • Gladular Disorders
  • Stomach disorders
  • Hernias
  • Water retention

CHAKRA: 1st, Base / Root, 3rd,Solar Plexus, and 4th, Heart

Mookaite Jasper utilizes Fire energy, the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, iliumination, and activity. It is traditionally associated with the South area (Fame and Reputation) of your room or home.

Carnelian Agate Gem Tree on Keokuk Geode

carnelian on geode gts1

!!! SOLD !!!

CARNELIAN is known as “The Actor’s Stone”. It is a gem stone of creativity, individuality, and courage.

Gemstone: Carnelian Agate
Quantity of Gems: 130
Trunk & Branches: created with 24ga Copper jewelry wire
Base: A Quartz lined Keokuk Geode collected from Hamilton, Illinois. It lays on a bed of River Rock and Agates collected from northern Wisconsin.

Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 6.25″
Width: 4.5″
Depth: 4.25″
Weight: 10 oz

Metaphysical Properties of your Gem Tree
(and other interesting stuff)


  • Sexuality
  • Creative Visualization
  • Stimulates Emotions
  • Increased fertility
  • Reproduction

CARNELIAN has been used as an aid to treat:

  • Low back problems
  • Arthritis
  • Female reproduction problems
  • Lungs, Asthma

CHAKRA: 2nd, Sacral

Carnelian stimulates a deep love and appreciation for the beauty and gifts of the earth. Carnelian is used in the Center area of your room or space for harmony and balance. It can also be used in the South area for success, in the West area for creativity, and in the Southeast area for self worth.

Additional Stone Info:

* MOHS hardness = 7
* Zodiac stone of: Taurus
* Planet Association: Sun
* Element: Fire
* Ancient Birthstone of: August

Tree Agate MINI Gem Tree on Green Jasper

tree agate MINI on maricopa jasper 0a

!!! SOLD !!!

The MINI Gem Trees that I create are smaller versions of my larger ones, yet are packed FULL with at least 50 gemstones in each MINI tree. They are wonderful additions to any collection and fit easily in or on smaller spaces !

TREE AGATE is the “Stone of Plenitude” as it brings abundance and fullness to all areas of life!

Gemstone: Tree Agate
Quantity of Gems: 55
Trunk & Branches: created with 24ga Silver Artistic wire
Base: A natural Green Jasper collected from Maricopa, Arizona during a rockhound trip.

Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 4.50″
Width: 3.25″
Depth: 3″
Weight: 3.6 oz

Metaphysical Properties of your Gem Tree
(and other interesting stuff)


  • Dissolves arrogance
  • Ease relationship problems with children
  • Enhances strength in challenging situations
  • Creates a peaceful environment

TREE AGATE has been used as an aid to treat:

  • Calms nerves
  • boosts immune system
  • Improves blood flow

CHAKRA: 4th, Heart

Tree Agate utilizes Wood energy, the energy of growth, expansion, new beginnings, nourishment, and health. Traditionally, Tree Agate is associated with the East and SouthEast areas of your room or home. It is beneficial for the Family and Health area, as well as for Prosperity and Abundance.

Additional Stone Info:

* MOHS hardness = 6.5 to 7
* Zodiac stone of: Gemini
* Planet Association: Mercury, Earth
* Element: Air

Aquamarine MINI Gem Tree on Keokuk Geode

Aqua MINI Geode 1a

!!! SOLD !!!

The MINI Gem Trees that I create are smaller versions of my larger ones, yet are packed FULL with at least 50 gemstones in each MINI tree. They are wonderful additions to any collection and fit easily in or on smaller spaces !

AQUAMARINE is a “stone of Courage”. This stone has the calming and soothing energy of the sea. It is used for protection on journeys.

Gemstone: Aquamarine
Quantity of Gems: 55
Trunk & Branches: created with 24ga Silver Jewelry wire
Base: A natural Keokuk Geode collected from Hamilton Illinois. Natural agate stones adorn the base
Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 3.75″
Width: 3″
Depth: 3″
Weight: 3.2 oz

Metaphysical Properties of your Gem Tree
(and other interesting stuff)


  • Overcoming being judgmental
  • Clarifies perception
  • Sharpens intellect
  • Clears confusion
  • Reduces drug dependence
  • Releases anxiety

AQUAMARINE has been used as an aid to treat:

  • Reduce stress
  • Discourage miscarriage
  • Boosts immune system
  • Eliminate fluid retention
  • Allows for better breathing with allergies

CHAKRA: 5th, Throat

Aquamarine should be used in the Southwest area of your home to attract positive energy for love and relationships. Will also aid for courage and protection for traveling when used in the Northwest area of your home or office.

Additional Stone Info:

* MOHS hardness = 7.5
* Derived from the Latin “aqua marina”, meaning “water of the sea”
* Zodiac stone of: Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces
* Planet Association: Moon
* Element: Water
* 19th Anniversary gemstone

Lapis Lazuli and Magnesite (aka Chalk Turquoise) MINI Gem Tree on a Thunderegg

lapis magnesite mini on thunderegg 0a

!!! SOLD !!!

The MINI Gem Trees that I create are smaller versions of my larger ones, yet are packed FULL with at least 50 gemstones in each MINI tree. They are wonderful additions to any collection and fit easily in or on smaller spaces !

MAGNESITE (aka Chalk Turquoise) has a calming and relaxing effect on one’s being.
LAPIS LAZULI was once prized more highly than gold! It is said to enhance one’s awareness, insight, and intellect.

Gemstone: Magnesite and Lapis Lazuli
Quantity of Gems: 55 Total (27 Magnesite and 28 Lapis Lazuli)
Trunk & Branches: created with 24ga Copper Artistic wire
Base: A Thunderegg collected from Deming, New Mexico during a Rockhound trip.

Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 4.25″
Width: 3.25″
Depth: 2.5″
Weight: 3.7 oz

Metaphysical Properties of your Gem Tree
(and other interesting stuff)


  • Encourages a positive attitude………………….- Expands leadership qualities
  • Helps us to love and accept ourselves ……- Helps with legal matters
  • for who we are ……………………………………- Shields psychic attack
  • Increases the ability to blend in…………………- Release anxiety

MAGNESITE and LAPIS have been used as an aid to treat:

  • Nervousness ………………………………………..- Alleviates headaches
  • Fears ……………………… ……………………………- Boosts immune system
  • Irritability ………………………………………………- Helps thyroid and nervous system
  • Strengthens bone and teeth …………………….- Relieve insomnia
  • ………………………………………………… …………….- Overcome depression

CHAKRA: 6th, Third Eye

Ideal for the living room, office, or child’s bedroom. Specifically beneficial in the Northeast area of your room or space for knowledge and self cultivation, in the Southeast for wealth and abundance, in the Northeast for career and life path, or in the North for personal journeys.

Natural Turquoise Gem Tree on Onyx

nat turquoise on onyx gts1

!!! SOLD !!!

TURQUOISE is a symbol of friendship. It also brings peace to the home. It is known as the “Master Healer”.

Gemstone: Turquoise
Quantity of Gems: 150
Trunk & Branches: created with 24ga Reddish Brown Artistic wire
Base: Natural Onyx collected from Arizona. A clear vinyl bumper has been added to the bottom of the base for seating stability.

Approximate Dimensions:
Height: 8″
Width: 4.5″
Depth: 4″
Weight: 1 lb 8 oz

Metaphysical Properties of your Gem Tree
(and other interesting stuff)


  • Bringing peace of mind
  • Protects against environmental pollutants
  • Promotes courage
  • Improves communication

TURQUOISE has been used as an aid to treat:

  • Guards against all illnesses
  • Strengthens anatomy
  • Improves absorption of nutrients
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Detoxify pollutants in your body

CHAKRA: 5th, Throat

Turquoise is sacred to many native American Indian tribes.
Turquoise is a valuable stone for grounding. Ideal for the living room, office, or child’s bedroom. Specifically beneficial in the Northeast area of your room or space for knowledge and self cultivation, or in the North for personal journeys.

Additional Stone Info:

* MOHS hardness = 6
* Zodiac stone of: Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius
* Planet Association: Venus, Neptune
* Element: Earth
* Birthstone for the month of December
* 11th yr Anniversary gemstone